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Fundraising Ideas:

Small Town Poker Tour

The Small Town Poker Tour raised over $57,000 for the United Way, in Lafayette, LA. This event is a great example for all charities. "If your event contains the proper elements, success will follow. We approach every event like it is the Super Bowl for the charities we work with. What you can raise in one evening with poker, could realistically take many charities six months to raise in a year's time", stated Mark Fracalossi STPT creator.

The United Way event also maximized their potential by successfully selling sponsorships and having a great selection of food and beverage which added more funds directly to the bottom line. Sponsorships can range anywhere from $5,000 to $100,000; depending upon how actively you solicit sponsors. There are many possibilities to create sponsorship packages that include all sorts of branded items from custom made table felts with the sponsors design to poker chips. The Chips and felts can then be auctioned off for the charity. The United Way had a unique array of regional food items including jambalaya. You can take this further by having a food partner donate the food or provide staffing and items.

The event drew over 550 players who all paid a $60 entrance fee, plus had a chance for unlimited $25 rebuys for the first two hours and a $50 add on after that. A rebuy is when a player's chip count falls below a certain level and the player is allowed to rebuy.

Besides the fact that Charity Poker Events are successful, the players experience is what enhances that success. "If you do your homework and concentrate on the player's experience, you will have a very successful event." Fracalossi added.

Poker Fundraising Tips You Can Use

Great Ways To Incorporate Charity Poker Into Your Next Fundraising Event:

- Pro Player and Celebrity "Meet & Greets"

- Poker Training Sessions With Professional Players

- Hospitality Suites

- VIP Services

- Poker Boot Camps

- Poker Seminars

- Poker Entertainers

Money-making Poker Event Opportunities:

- Tournament Buy-ins

- Tournament Re-buys and Add-ons

- Raffle Sales

- Silent , Live and Online Auctions

- Event Programs

- Sponsorships

- Poker Satellite Tournaments

- Photography

- Food & Beverages

Find Out More About Poker Fundraising Events

Fundraisers.com has a myriad of ideas and suggestions on our... Poker Resource Page.

If you would like more info on Small Town Poker Tour email... poker@fundraisers.com.

For more information on United Way of Acadiana, see... www.unitedwayofacadiana.org.





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